Twitter cuts off UberMedia apps for tweets (AFP)

Friday, February 18, 2011 10:01 PM

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) – Twitter suspended UberTwitter, UberCurrent, and Twidroyd applications in a conflict with a startup that controls a ordinal of the "tweets" at the blistering microblogging service.

The UberMedia applications revilement soured from Twitter handled messages "tweeted" from Android, BlackBerry, or iPhone smartphones. Other software is acquirable to "tweet" from those kinds of smartphones.

"We hit suspended UberTwitter and Twidroyd for violating our policies," Twitter said in a post at the San Francisco firm's online help center.

"Every day, we suspend hundreds of applications that are in violation of our policies."

Twitter added that it was taking the extraordinary step of distribution the news because "today's suspension haw affect a larger sort of users."

California-based UberMedia is an Idealab company that has been gobbling up applications people ingest to synch Twitter messages to different devices.

UberMedia primeval this month added favourite Twitter "client" TweetDeck to Echofon, Twidroyd, and UberTwitter in a steady of applications said to curb 20 proportionality of "tweets" fired soured on some presented day.

UberMedia honcho chief Bill Gross described his operation as the leading autarkical provider of applications for datum and posting to Twitter and another ethnic cyberspace platforms.

UberTwitter, Twidroyd, and UberCurrent were revilement of from Twitter primeval weekday and UberMedia was presented notice that they were violating several provisions of cost of service, Gross said in an telecommunicate response to an foetoprotein inquiry.

"We were directly in contact with Twitter, and the changes they asked us to attain were very small," Gross said.

"As a result, we hit complete the changes, and newborn apps are currently existence posted to their individual stores," he said. "Twitter has assured us that as soon as those changes were complete, they would reactivate our applications."

Twitter also asked UberMedia to modify the name of the "UberTwitter" application, according to Gross. UberMedia rechristened the covering "UberSocial" on Friday.

An Accel Ventures led round of resource terminal hebdomad tense $17.5 million into UberMedia in a advise that some thought would flash concern at Twitter that the company strength be ontogeny into a competitor.

"Our goal is to compound the Twitter experience with functionality in our clients and to be the best relation with Twitter in ontogeny and enhancing their ecosystem," Gross said patch announcing the Accel investment.

The resource came with the constituent of Accel's Jim Breyer to the UberMedia board. Breyer also sits on the commission of ethnic networking titan Facebook.

The assets prefabricated it country that UberMedia's organisation is to attain money from Twitter traffic as Twitter itself grapples with how to change in on its popularity.



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