South Korea police probe Google over location data collection (Reuters)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011 1:01 AM

SEOUL (Reuters) – Google Inc's Seoul office was raided on Tuesday on distrustfulness its ambulatory business unit AdMob had illicitly composed positioning accumulation without consent, South Korean personnel said, the latest setback to the cyberspace see firm's Korean operations.

The enquiry into suspected collection of accumulation on where a individualist is settled without respond highlights ontogeny concerns most doable misuse of private aggregation as the ingest of ambulatory devices such as smartphones and tablets increases.

Such aggregation is viewed as pivotal for the burgeoning ambulatory business facet as it helps personalize online ads according to individualist preferences or locations.

Last month, Apple Inc defended its ingest of iPhone positioning data, but denied that it was chase the movements of customers, patch consumer electronics colossus Sony is grappling with a large accumulation breach.

"Every technology has a fling side. Location-based services goodness customers by helping them encounter nearby restaurants, pedal stations and another places with their smartphones," said Kim Kwang-jo, a machine power professor at the peninsula Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

"But it could potentially violate consumer privacy. There are loopholes in location-based services, and companies should intend respond from customers to collect positioning data."

"We venture AdMob composed personal positioning aggregation without respond or support from the Korean Communication Commission," a South Korean personnel official said.

A Google spokesman addicted that the personnel had visited its Seoul office and told Reuters the consort was cooperating with their investigation.

Google and Apple hit been targeted by U.S. lawmakers over their endorsement and ingest of consumer accumulation from cell sound applications such as where users are located.

Google executives hit talked most the knowledge to direct business to users supported on location.

Google bought AdMob, a directive orbicular ambulatory ad firm, terminal year for $750 million.

Seoul personnel also raided the offices of local portal Daum Communications over kindred suspicions, Daum said on Tuesday.

Daum said positioning accumulation composed by its ambulatory ad services was not banned as it was nameless and could not be utilised to road individuals.


Google has already been the person of a program of probes in the United States, Britain, France, Singapore, Schweiz and South peninsula over accumulation composed by its disputable fast of "Street View" cars.

Seoul personnel over in Jan that Google composed positioning aggregation and another accumulation from 600,000 wireless cyberspace users in South peninsula with threesome Street View cars.

Google tightened its privacy contract in the wake of revelations that Google's Street View cars, which verify panoramic pictures of municipality streets, unknowingly composed accumulation from unsecured wireless networks in more than 30 countries.

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is also considering a panoptic enquiry into Google and reportedly arousal high-tech firms to foregather accumulation aweigh of a enquiry of Google's dominance of the cyberspace see industry.

South Korea's crowning cyberspace portals filed a complaint with anti-trust regulators terminal period claiming Google was unfairly sulphurous rivalry in the ambulatory cyberspace see mart of digit of the world's most wired countries.

In South Korea, Google is digit of smallest players in the fixed-line cyberspace see market, but it enjoys a nearby 20 proportionality deal in the ambulatory cyberspace market, backed by its Android platform.

Google, which controls roughly two-thirds of the orbicular see market, is a stellar entertainer in the booming smartphone and paper market, as device makers such as Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics progressively adopt its liberated Android operating papers to counter heavyweight Apple.

Global technology firms, including Microsoft, are trying to rein Google's growth.

The orbicular smartphone mart is prognosticate to grow 58 proportionality this year and Android module statement for 39 proportionality of the market, according to research concern Gartner. In the paper market, Apple's deal module gradually decline to 47 proportionality by 2015 from 69 proportionality this year, with Google's deal prognosticate to uprise to 39 proportionality from 20 proportionality now, Gartner said.

(Additional news by Miyoung Kim and Jonathan Hopfner in SEOUL and Kenneth Li in NEW YORK; Editing by Dhara Ranasinghe and Muralikumar Anantharaman)



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