Google's Eric Schmidt gets big raise as former CEO (AP)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 1:01 PM

SAN FRANCISCO – Billionaire Eric solon feels more easy attractive a meg note cheque as Google Inc.'s past CEO than he did when he was streaming the Internet's most coercive company.

After voluntarily limiting his period salary to $1 during most of his 10-year rule as Google's CEO, solon is getting a $1.25 meg improve in his newborn employ as chief chairman. The bigger cheque kicked in April 4 when solon was replaced as CEO by Google co-founder Larry Page.

The revised compensation package, filed with federal regulators Tuesday, module clear solon an period incentive of up to $6 million.

Schmidt, 55, ranks among the world's wealthiest grouping with an estimated net worth of $7 1000000000 that he assembled mostly from the hit he bought and conventional after decent Google's CEO in 2001.

When solon connected Google, the consort had less than $90 meg in period revenue. In Schmidt's terminal assemblage as CEO, Google's period income surpassed $29 billion.

Google's commission has offered to clear solon more money apiece assemblage exclusive to be rebuffed. solon acknowledged this time when a Google commission NGO consisting of Intel Corp. CEO Apostle Otellini and stake capitalist Evangelist Doerr decided he merited a improve in his newborn persona centering on acquisitions and polity relations. The commission also wanted to reward solon for his past accomplishments as CEO, according to a Google spokesman.

The improve and incentive organisation supplement a hit collection valued at $100 meg that the commission awarded solon shortly after the New Jan declaration most Google's designed change in command. The hit module clothe during the incoming quaternary years, a sign that Google wants solon to stick around.

Page and Google co-founder Sergey Brin, who apiece hit fortunes of $20 billion, also hit insisted on maintaining the salaries at $1 and hit refused another compensation besides a $1,000 pass incentive that Google has bimanual out to every employees most years.

Now that he is CEO, Page is ease being paid $1, as is Brin, who is employed on long-term projects for the company, which is supported in Mountain View, Calif.

By accepting paltry paychecks, Schmidt, Page and Brin signaled to shareholders that they believed the company's strategy and hard impact would produce a higher hit price. Because they are among the maximal shareholders, their wealth increases as the hit toll rises.

Google shares were at $524.94, at up $3.41, in Wednesday's New afternoon trading.

Although Google's hit is most 30 percent below its peak toll reached in New 2007, the shares ease hit increased by more than multiple since the consort went public in 2004.

Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs has restricted his salary to a $1 as the gadget maker's hit has soared in recent years.



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